How to Stop Bad Actors with Limited HOA Guard Patrol Power
APS helps Mission Valley community stop car break-ins and bike theft
We hear from HOAs all the time that they struggle to patrol and guard properties while keeping budgets in check. This is especially true of larger properties, like a community we recently helped in Mission Valley.
APS was asked to install a monitoring system. Cars were being broken into and the bikes at the storage location were disappearing faster than two shakes of a lamb’s tail! Unfortunately, this large community is challenging to patrol and with only so much guard power, bad actors were having their way.
Point a camera at that
We worked closely with the building manager and set him up with a stunning 4K IP system that is view-able from the manager’s office, the guard shack, and any of the team’s mobile device. We installed 27 IP cameras in total. Can you find them in the project photos?
Caught in the act
In the first two weeks, a vehicle gate in garage 1 was hit and pushed off its track. Before the new system was in place, the driver would have got away with it, leaving the HOA and its residents with the repair bill. However, the community was able to check the video and identify the license plate of the car and the person driving the vehicle to seek restitution for these damages. The system is already paying for itself!
See more about our Projects or learn more about our Video Surveillance Services.