Proactive Maintenance & Support is Essential for Maximizing the Longevity & Up-time of Functional Installations
Experience proves that a quality maintenance and support program, performed routinely, is critical for long-term system performance and up-time. APS provides tiered maintenance and support programs that are designed to fit you needs, property, and system. APS has hundreds of customers taking advantage of scheduled preventative maintenance programs to support and maintain their systems proactively.

APS Maintenance and Support Members have access to additional benefits beyond maximizing the longevity of their investment. Maintenance and Support Members have access to:
- Priority service scheduling
- Preferred pricing on regular and emergency service calls
- Preferred member pricing parts for repairs
- Guaranteed response times
If you want to maximize the longevity of your investments and have access to Maintenance and Support Member benefits, call our California office at 858-571-4444, our Arizona office at 800-973-7266, or email and get your quote on a maintenance and support program for your property or facility.
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APS is proud to have delivered solutions for over 14,500 customers since our inception. We have provided services and solutions for some of the largest and most well-known communities and organizations in the Southwest.